BWT for NLP (1)
The Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT), which is the main step in the bzip2 compression algorithm, is a permutation transform on a string over an ordered alphabet. It is a clever idea and can be useful for some string processing for natural language processing. I will present one such use. BWT massages the original string into being more amenable to compression. Of course the transform doesn't alter the compressibility (entropy rate) of the original string. All it does is make the string more compressible by algorithms we know. The reason string permutation by BWT (as opposed to say sorting the string, which makes it really compressible) is useful is that the reverse transform (undoing the permutation) can be done with very little additional information. Mark Nelson wrote a nice introduction to the transform. Moreover, the BWT essentially involves the construction of the suffix array for the string, and therefore can be done in time and space linear in the length of the string. ...