Estimation of a distribution from i.i.d. sums
Here's an estimation problem that I ran into not long ago while working on a problem in entity co-reference resolution in natural language documents.
Let $latex X$ be a random variable taking on values in $latex \{0,1,2,\ldots\}$. We are given data $latex D=\{(N_1,S_1), (N_2,S_2),\ldots,(N_k,S_k)\}$, where $latex S_i$ is the sum of $latex N_i$ independent draws of $latex X$ for $latex i = 1, 2,\ldots, k$. We are required to estimate the distribution of $latex X$ from $latex D$.
For some distributions of $latex X$ we can use the method-of-moments. For example if $latex X \sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda)$, we know that the mean of $latex X$ is $latex \lambda$. We can therefore estimate $latex \lambda$ as the sample mean, i.e., $latex \hat{\lambda}=\frac{S_1+S_2+\ldots+S_k}{N_1+N_2+\ldots+N_k}$. Because of the nice additive property of the parameters for sums of i.i.d. poisson random variables, the maximum likelihood estimate also turns out be the same as $latex \hat{\lambda}$.
The problem becomes more difficult when $latex X$ is say a six-sided die (i.e., the sample space is $latex \{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$) and we would like to estimate the probability of the faces . How can one obtain the maximum likelihood estimate in such a case?
Let $latex X$ be a random variable taking on values in $latex \{0,1,2,\ldots\}$. We are given data $latex D=\{(N_1,S_1), (N_2,S_2),\ldots,(N_k,S_k)\}$, where $latex S_i$ is the sum of $latex N_i$ independent draws of $latex X$ for $latex i = 1, 2,\ldots, k$. We are required to estimate the distribution of $latex X$ from $latex D$.
For some distributions of $latex X$ we can use the method-of-moments. For example if $latex X \sim \mbox{Poisson}(\lambda)$, we know that the mean of $latex X$ is $latex \lambda$. We can therefore estimate $latex \lambda$ as the sample mean, i.e., $latex \hat{\lambda}=\frac{S_1+S_2+\ldots+S_k}{N_1+N_2+\ldots+N_k}$. Because of the nice additive property of the parameters for sums of i.i.d. poisson random variables, the maximum likelihood estimate also turns out be the same as $latex \hat{\lambda}$.
The problem becomes more difficult when $latex X$ is say a six-sided die (i.e., the sample space is $latex \{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$) and we would like to estimate the probability of the faces . How can one obtain the maximum likelihood estimate in such a case?
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