I will present a sparse kernelization of logistic regression where the prototypes are not necessarily from the training data. Traditional sparse kernel logistic regression Consider an $latex M$ class logistic regression model given by $latex P(y|x)\propto\mbox{exp}(\beta_{y0} + \sum_{j}^{d}\beta_{yj}x_j)$ for $latex y =0,1,\ldots,M$ where $latex j$ indexes the $latex d$ features. Fitting the model to a data set $latex D = \{x_i, y_i\}_{i=1,\ldots,N}$ involves estimating the betas to maximize the likelihood of $latex D$. The above logistic regression model is quite simple (because the classifier is a linear function of the features of the example), and in some circumstances we might want a classifier that can produce a more complex decision boundary. One way to achieve this is by kernelization . We write $latex P(y|x) \propto \mbox{exp}(\beta_{y0} + \sum_{i=1}^N \beta_{yi} k(x,x_i))$ for $latex y=0,1,\ldots,M$. where $latex k(.,.)$ is a kernel function. In order to be able to use this c...
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